He truly never ceases to amaze me. He is ending his first year at school (pre school) and it has been so exciting for me to see him blossom. He can count up to 100 all by himself and is even starting to learn how to do addition and subtraction problems. His favorite thing is to play a "subtraction game" in the car where we do crazy subtraction problems like ten million minus 4 million. He is really getting the hang of it :). He also knows all the colors and shapes, even the so-called "kindergarten" shapes. He also knows all the letters, uppercase and lower case and is starting to sound out words.
His thirst for life is something to marvel at and his inquizitiveness is unmatched (much to the husband's dismay at times, lol). All in all when I look at him I wonder how I got lucky enough to hit the baby jackpot. I must have done something really good in my life to deserve this kid.
So even though I am a couple days late on this post... Happy Birthday Boogs, you are amazing. Keep doing what you are doing because it is working and I hope you don't ever change. I love you more than words could ever say. Enjoy being 5 <3
Here is said birthday boy showing off his age with his baby brother at his side :)