Wednesday, June 19, 2013

May 2013 at an Instagram Glance

So I am slowly getting caught up on the posts around here. I swear I am going to tattoo the phrase "so much to do, so little time" on my forehead so that people will leave me alone. I kid, I kid, but seriously busy doesn't even begin to cover it. I have so much I want to share on the old blog as well as so many projects and things I want to do this summer and a good amount of "summer cleaning" as I like to call it that I need to do before I go back to work. But I digress... lets get to some of my favorite Instagram photos from the month shall we???

May always starts off the same, a Bday celebration for my oldest son, who turned 7 this year. We went to Legoland in San Diego and stayed in the new hotel. Maybe I will do a separate post about that trip!

Here we are with Darth Vader himself (well in Lego form at least), my boys love them some Star Wars!

My very proud (and handsome I might add) hubby after winning a minion. We call them "Ba-Boys" around here because that is one thing they say in the movie and that's what my little guy thinks they are called. And in case you are  curious, this little guy is now hanging on my entry closet door...not joking, my husband can be weird sometimes.

Being cool with some glasses he got for selling fundraiser items at school. They even glow in the dark, he is still thrilled about these!

One of my Saturday mornings called for a MASSIVE cup of joe :) (plus the only time I get to sit in this spot of our couch is when my hubby is not home, or if he lets me cuddle him).

Went on a shopping spree with my mom and my stroller started to look like its own rack! Sadly I did not like most of these things on me.

Towards the end of the school year one day I had so much grading to do I left my boys with their Grandma and stopped for some Starbucks and sushi to fuel me up on the way home (yes I ate about half of the sushi in the car)

We are still in baseball mode around here since my son made the All-Star league in his division, here are my three boys practicing in the yard one day.

Same day as the baseball, we used our grill for the first time this year. We actually had some BBQ a couple nights ago as well and I made some kabobs that turned out very well (with shrimp, chicken and veggies, I will have to do it again and hopefully take some pics).

I hope your May was as fantastic as mine was and hopefully I will be back with another post soon :).

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