I don't remember where we were going or coming from but he passed out in the car and I snapped a pic :). By the way the shirt he is wearing is ninja turtles and says "So fresh and so GREEN" and he always gets complements on it and he also loves ninja turtles!
I snapped this one while making pancakes one morning, still in search of the perfect homemade pancake recipe... this was was pretty close though!
If I am in the kitchen, my little guy is going to come in and snag something to play with, this day it was a citrus squeezer. He first pretended it was a microphone then put it on his face and said "take a picture of me with glasses," how could I say no to that??
I never thought bowling shoes were cute until this moment...
He went crazy for this superman hand puppet tattoo. He would not let me scrub his hand for days!
I got these and some other great books at an estate sale I went to, I LOVE them all :)
June marked the start of baseball tournaments for my older boy, he is on an all-star team for his league and we have been in non-stop baseball mode all month :)
Who doesn't love a chocolate goatee??? And an old man smile to top it off :)
Celebrating my grandma's birthday, she is 85 years young! By the way she refused to have a drink but I did manage to convince her to hold the bottle for a photo opp ;)
Finally got to slow down and read for fun this month! That also meant using the bookmark my son made me for Mother's day. If you are curious I am currently reading From This Moment, it is Shania Twain's Autobiography, I love her!
Fighting for a spot in my lap one morning, the cat would have won but she was biting him so I had to take her off the sofa haha.
I told my little guy to make a funny face and that's what I got, but never fear my older boy was there to photobomb a funny face, way to go son!!
My mom hates taking pictures! Here is my boy trying to force her...it didn't work she just got mad at us.
All-Star tournaments mean traveling, this was the first day of what has become a 3 (possible 4) day tournament road trip. If you are curious that is an Angel's rally monkey stuck in the visor that you see in the top of the picture.
One night this month my little guy refused to go to sleep until he had 4 or 5 stuffed animals, he literally made me walk the whole house with him looking for specific ones and then when he finally passed out, this was what I found :)
I hope your June was as fun-filled as mine was :) and here's to a great July...hopefully not a scorching hot one either!
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